It is rather hard getting up in the mornings. It honestly takes me the whole morning to wake up, get up, have breakfast and get dressed. In the mornings the problems isn't the pain but I have this unbelievable tiredness in my legs.
I have been reading a lot of arthritis blogs recently. There are some great blogs out there. My reason for reading them is to learn how to fight the arthritis and cure it. I truly believe it's possible. In my case taking drugs did miracle but it never really healed anything. I still continued to suffer from arthritis but when I was on the medicines I could work, study and have a social life. It's been one year since I took my last tablet. I went off the medicines in the hope that I would get pregnant. My husband and I both thought it would just take few months to get pregnant. Sadly that hasn't been the case. One year later, no baby, just arthritis in full flame.
I was surprisingly good first seven months. The last five months have been hell. I went from being in school and working part-time job to nothing. I had to quit everything, I have trouble doing simple house chores and going out to meet up with friends.
However the arthritis blogs have given me hope that it is possible to cure the arthritis with food. I made up 30 day challenge for me where I was going to eat healthy food, have one-free day a week (eat whatever I want) and exercise. Now I'm thinking that I should add detox to the challenge after reading this post 3 day miracle and this blog Jens ra journey. I have never detoxed but I'm willing to try anything and it can't hurt. Now I just have to find some detoxing programs. Any recommendation?
Hi Erla...thanks for checking out my blog!! I think you are on the right track- good for you! It's really hard work but so worth it. If you need any help feel free to email me Keep it up!
Thank you for your offer I will probably need some advice if I try to some serious eliminations from food.
Hi again! No problem- let me know. I'm enjoying your blog too. My friend Cam (Arthritis Alternatives) had trouble posting on your blog but wishes you well!! She has also come a very long way and has her disease well under control through diet. Use us, we will help you!
Thank you, I will look at the comments and try to fix that
I think I have fix it now and anyone should be able to comment, thank you for pointing this out.
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