Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Step by step

 Week no. 2 (May 30-June 5)
Food: Stop drinking soft drinks
Exercise: Walk three times, swim three times

How did it go:
Food: I made some pretty bad decisions over the weekend:(
Exercise: I walked three times and swam three times

Plan for week no. 3 (June 6-June 13)
Food: Stop eat cookies and cakes
Exercise: Walk three times, swim three times

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Three days!

On Saturday I let my guards down and just like that I drank almost one liter of coca-cola and ate ton of cookies. If I had been sensible that would have been my only mistake this week. But sadly it wasn't, it only got worse. It turned into three days of eating candy and drinking soft drinks. I dare to say that it isn't the smartest move when you're dealing with painful arthritis. 

I need to stop and start again

For 11 days I went by the plan and I lost weight then for 3 days I did nothing but take stupid decisions. Now I have to keep going and look forward and keep following the plan. I had made a huge mistake. Even though. it's important for me to look at what I have accomplished. For 11 days I exercised and didn't drink soft drinks and eat candy. Over the last 14 days I took more good decisions for my health than bad. 

But I need to do better next week

Monday, June 6, 2011

Why eat raw food?

I have been experimenting with raw food last days/weeks. I haven't turn completely raw and quite frankly I don't see that happening any soon. Because I like cooked food to much but I think it will good for me to eat as much raw food as I can. So far the longest I have been 100% raw is three days. Those three days I felt terrific. The horrible pain that is giving me hard time, completely went away. However after I swam in the land of sugar and wheat, the pain came back. Ever since that happened I have been trying to eat as much raw food as possible. I wish I had the determination to go 100% raw. Sadly I don't have it but instead of crying over it, I try my best. My best in the raw food world is always getting better and I hope one day I will be able to eat at least 90% raw food. 

I have been doing some reading about possible benefits of eating raw

  • people tend to feel better 
  • weight loss (aren't we always trying to loose some extra pounds)
  • reduced arthritis pain and muscle pain
  • eating raw means no cholesterol or trans-fats   

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I eat a lot of blueberries. I love the texture, the color and the taste. I usually eat my blueberries by putting them in smoothies.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Step by step

When I got sick I thought it would be best for me to eat healthy food and stay away from process food, salt, wheat and sugar. I thought that after few weeks I would be come a healthy guru and wouldn't put anything inside my lips that weren't organic, healthy and good for my body. I got sick the year 2004, today is 2011 and I still struggle. I think it's time for me to give up! That is, accept that I will never become healthy guru that eats green smoothies for breakfast, vegan-raw lunch and small salad for dinner and loves every minute of it. I crave sugar, salt and unhealthy food. I also eat way to much food. Even though I'm full, I keep on eating. 

I need to accept that given the choice I will make bad choice for my body. So what can you do when you're not a health guru and just want to stuff your face with unhealthy food. Over the years I have tried variety of diets and "not a diet but a lifestyle change". I have been on raw food, detox, vegetarian diet, non-sugar diet, gluten-free diet. Some of the diets were actually pretty good and I felt better from the arthritis on them. However I never stick it out. It always end by me eating candy, cakes and drinking coke. 

When that happens I eat unhealthy food for a while and then I get back on the horse and try again. So here I go, again. 

Every time I fail, I try to do something different. The change I'm making now is doing simple things. I tend to swear to God that I will never, never again eat food with salt, sugar or wheat. At certain point in time I will only eat kale, spinach and coconut water. This time I'm not going to make promises like that. I think it's best to take it slow and steady. 

Week no. 1 (May 23-29)
Food: Stop eating candy and chips. 
How did it go? Total success. It was difficult and I wanted candy but I didn't have any.  
Exercise: Walking and swimming
How did it go? Total success. I walked three times for 40 minutes and I went swimming three times. 

Plan for week no. 2 (May 30-June 5)
Food: Stop drinking soft drinks
Exercise: Walk three times, swim three times