Sunday, November 13, 2011

Arthritis pain and plans to get rid of it

In order to ease the pain and possibly one day get healthy and arthritis-free I'm trying to eat more healthy food and exercise. In the past I have made great plans that I don't follow. So now I'm trying something new.  I only make small changes and make short plans. I'm also going to write down, every week, where I feel pain and which movement I have difficulty doing. I'm hoping by doing that I will see whether there are any changes. 

I'm pleased to announce that I did follow the breakfast plan

I know it is not like climbing Mount Everest but I'm so happy because I made a plan and went by it. I'm going to repeat the breakfast plan for the next three days. I know now that I can easily do it. I'm also going to add a little bit with the plan.  

The breakfast plan

Oatmeal with banana, cinnamon and chia-seeds
Cherrios with buttermilk
Fruits and bread

Food plan
Eat chia-seeds twice a week

Part of me wants to make bigger plans but I'm sticking to small changes.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Where does it hurt?

When I first got arthritis the answer would have been EVERYWHERE. I'm not nearly as bad as I just to be but I still can't work and live normal life without pain and difficulties with movements. Lately I haven't been working on my recovery. I'm slowly starting again but I'm going to take it slowly. One ting I'm going to try to do this winter is to monitor better where it hurts. Is it getting worse or better? Dose my diet affect the pain? Am I better when exercise or not?

The red color marks pain and the purple marks difficulties with movements

Monday, November 7, 2011

Planning just a little bit

I promised myself that I would stop make plans. I always make to big plans which I can't follow. However I just couldn't resist. I don't what is the deal with me but I just love to make plans. 

This plan is simple: Eat breakfast

 The breakfast plan

Oatmeal with banana, cinnamon and chia-seeds
Cherrios with buttermilk
Fruits and bread

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Big news

Last summer something amazing happened. Almost exactly one year after we starting TTC I got a positive pregnancy test. 

As you can imagine we are over the moon. Everything is going very well. I'm one of the lucky ones and the arthritis is so much better. Thank god for that.