I will be going to Iceland tomorrow
I won't have computer for a month
I will be cold
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
I don't want to be sick
Ég vil ekki vera veik
I don't want to be sick
Ég vil ekki verða veikari
I don't want to be more sick than I'm now
I often feel like this is all my fault. If I would live a healthier life I would be better.
I don't want to be sick
Sadly I feel like I can't stay away from sugar. Why can't I live a life without sugar? I feel like I'm always trying to eat healthy food and exercise but never succeeding. I feel like it should be so easy for me to stay away from sugar and live a VERY healthy life. I feel it because of I have arthritis. If I would every single day make smart decisions regarding food and my health there is a good chance that I can get better. Then why doesn't I do it?
What's wrong with me?
Why can't I do it?
When I started this blog about one month ago I honestly thought "this is it, from now on I will live so healthy live, make smart decisions about my health and then blog about the journey" Sounds easy!
I feel like a such a looser. Last month I was taking fertility drugs (perotime/clomid). That didn't go well and for four weeks I had a very bad pain in my right side. So bad that we went to the E.R. It wasn't very pleasant and I used it as a excuse to stop eating healthy food. When the pain started to get better, I figured out a new excuse to continue to eat unhealthy food. Obviously I can't eat healthy food when I'm packing down my stuff, right?
I want to start planing again how to eat right and exercise but my plans never seems to work out. Why don't they work out? Well, mainly because I give up. I know that I have to start again
but I'm afraid that I will fail again.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
I want to cook
My husband is a vegetarian. When we started to live together, he took care of the cooking because of his special needs. I had a lot of free time first when we moved to Chapel Hill so I slowly started to take over in the kitchen. My favorite part of cooking is browsing through cooking books and food blogs. I love discovering new recipes and looking at pictures of food. I have a lot of recipes on my TO-DO-LIST, here are few recipes that I'm planning to make.
Almond Veggie Pate Nori Rolls
I'm in love with raw sushi rolls. This recipe is from Ani Phyo. I have two raw cooking books from here and I love her recipe's.
Cristina from Buenos Aires to Paris
is a wonderful food blog. The pictures and the food are so lovely. I just hope that one day I can cook food that looks as nice as hers. Here are Pistachio/Raspberry Mini-Cakes that she made.
Moroccan Quinoa Bites
is a recipe that I found on Julie's raw ambition When I cook everything turns to a mess. I think I will never be able to cook like Julie. Just see how amazing the picture is. I just want to run to store and buy the ingredients straight away.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Moving to Iceland
After one week I will go back to Iceland. When we first moved here to North-Carolina, we planned to stay here for four to five years. We quickly realized that I wasn't going to survive being here not able to work and away from my friends and family for four years. So we decided that we would take year off. Originally the plan was to get pregnant, have the baby in Iceland and take one year off. Unfortunately that didn't work out. I feel like it was ages ago that we decided to try to have a family. I started to ween of my medication in December 2009, six months later we started to try. Therefore it has been more than 10 months since we started to try. I thought that I would be pregnant by now. Some days I get so sad and angry about this. The thing is I feel like because I have arthritis and had to give up a lot of things therefore it's only fair that I would be able to get pregnant quickly.
Now we're starting a new chapter. We have our first appointment with a fertility clinic in Iceland later this month. It was so expensive to do it here in USA that we couldn't afford it. Hence we're moving back to Iceland for one year. There we will get pregnant with the help of the fertility clinic or at least that is what we hope to do.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Food that kicks arthritis butt UPDATE
These berries are supposed to be good to eat if you have arthritis
Black currants
Cherry berries
These vegetable have been recommend if you're dealing with arthritis
Sweet potatoes
These fruits are suggested to help with arthritis
Apparently spices can have good effects on arthritis
Then we have
I think it's good to eat a lot of fish (if you're into fish)
I'm always looking for food that's supposed to have good effects on arthritis. Anything you could think of that should be on this list
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tired of being in pain!
Last two weeks haven't been good. I'm taking this fertility drugs that are supposed to be almost harmless compare to some stuff you can get. Even though the fertility drugs I'm taking aren't strong, I still manged to get some storng side affects. In my last cycle I took 50 mg pergotime and that went well apart from the part that I didn't get pregnant. The next cycle my doctor told me to take double dozeses if I didn't get pregnant, so I took 100 mg of pergotime. (Pergotime is similar to Clomid). This time around I had less pain in the beginning which was nice. A little more than two weeks ago I started to feel pain
in my right side. The pain gradually got worse until two days ago I woke up my husband and we decided to go to the hospital. We went even though I don't have an American health insurance. I have Icelandic insurance and travel insurance and I do hope that will cover the cost. We haven't got the bill yet but I think it's going to huge number on that bill.
Anyhow we went to hospital, stayed the whole night and they examine me. Everything seemed to be okay and they discharged me and said that they couldn't find anything seriousley wrong with me and they couldn't explain why I was having so much pain in my right side.
I can't barley move because of the pain, I can't concentrate and I feel like I can't do anything. It is not all bad because the arthritis pain hasn't been bothering me since the right side started to hurt so much. It is kind of funny because I still have difficulty moving me hands and feet and I'm very tired in the hands and legs but it doesn't hurt.
Anyhow we went to hospital, stayed the whole night and they examine me. Everything seemed to be okay and they discharged me and said that they couldn't find anything seriousley wrong with me and they couldn't explain why I was having so much pain in my right side.
I can't barley move because of the pain, I can't concentrate and I feel like I can't do anything. It is not all bad because the arthritis pain hasn't been bothering me since the right side started to hurt so much. It is kind of funny because I still have difficulty moving me hands and feet and I'm very tired in the hands and legs but it doesn't hurt.
I haven't been able to anything past two weeks. In addition my periods started. Which is a good thing because if it was over stimulation of the ovaries it's not good to get pregnant. Nevertheless I'm devastated of getting NO one more time. I'm specially upset because I'm leaving in two weeks so we ain't going to be together on the fertil period. So nothing is going to happened next cycle. And since my cycle is so, so, so long (36 days or more) it is ages until we can try again.
Therefore I went downtown to EAT! That's my thing when I get upset I go and stuff my face with unhealthy food. It can't be normal to always turn to food whenever things don't work up.
I'm feeling sorry for myself today and complaining. Tomorrow I will stop complaining and crying, today I'm going to sulk a little bit more.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Food that fights arthritis
My arthritis journey has led me to the place where I look at food and think "Would this benefit my arthritis" or "is that a good arthritis food". I firmly believe that food can be helpful to keep arthritis down. I even have an excel-sheet where I write down food that kicks arthritis butt.
I don't whether it is all true what you read about the healing power of food but I don't care. I will rather eat food that some odds are that will keep the arthritis down than not.
These berries are supposed to be good to eat if you have arthritis
Cherry berries
These vegetable have been recommend if you're dealing with arthritis
Sweet potatoes
These fruits are suggested to help with arthritis
Apparently spices can have good effects on arthritis
Then we have
I'm always looking for food that's supposed to have good effects on arthritis. Anything you could think of that should be on this list
Saturday, April 2, 2011
My mom is a big knitter, her sister knit and her friends. Sadly I never learned to knit in school. My grandma taught me a little bit but I never really got the hang of it. The recession winter (2008-2009) everyone started to knit again in Iceland, me included.

My first project wasn't pretty and I have never had any use of it. My second project was a red dress, it was pretty but at the time when I finally finished I was too fat for the dress. Or the dress didn't fit any longer. When I fit in the dress, I will post a picture.
My third project is this lovely sweater. I really like knitting and I really like showing off my knitting projects. I just hope when I finish this sweater that she will fit me.
My third project is this lovely sweater. I really like knitting and I really like showing off my knitting projects. I just hope when I finish this sweater that she will fit me.
This is supposed to be a sweater one day |
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