Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feeling fatigued on raw diet

So I ate raw food for three days and felt terrific. My only complain was that I felt very fatigued those days. So when I woke up on the third day, still felling fatigued. I decided that I would eat cooked food that day.  Turned out that was a good decision, I felt great that day. I even manged to get back on track with my exercises. However I didn't do as well yesterday. My husband made pizza and I couldn't resist so I had two slices. Then today I had cookie, cake and three bites of quality chocolate. 


I tend to this, eat nothing but spinach and coconut water for days and then eat all the cakes and chocolate that I can get my hands on. Worst of all was that after I ate the cakes and chocolate the pain came back. I'm a little bit mad at myself now. Specially since this weekend is packed with events containing unhealthy food. There's birthday dinner at Friday night, wedding on Saturday and brunch on Sunday. 

Well at least I know that I should stay away from


and wheat

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Which diet does the magic trick for arthritis suffers

I have tried different kind of diets in hope that it would ease the pain from the arthritis. I haven't been able to stick to one specific. Sadly I need my candy day and diversity when it comes to food. But that doesn't stop me from looking up different diets that could be beneficial. Gradually me diet habits are getting more and more healthy. I eat whole foods, don't eat red meat, try to stay away from candy and sodas. Which is okay to do when I'm taking medicines for the arthritis. Now when I'm not taking any I think I have to do some drastic change in my eating habits. One thing is to try to find out what foods are triggering flares.  Other thing is learning to eat healthy even though I'm going out with friends or partying or something similar. I have to admit I find it so difficult to eat healthy and clean food when I go out with my friends or attending a party.

Back to the diets. I find it to say at least overwhelming to choose what diet should I follow. There are so many diet's out there that could be an aid to fight the arthritis. The problem is to choose one and stick to it.

There's the option going raw. 

or turning a vegan

Instead of vegan I could try to become a vegetarian 

Then there are the something-free diets like Gluten-free diet

This one, Sugar-free diet, I think is very important for people with arthritis to follow.

I have seen people recommending the Eat to live diet
This one I find a little bit scary, Food Elimination

Fasting, is something that I could do. People have been fasting for centuries  

There's this diet which I'm going to call alkaline

The Gerson therapy seems to be challenge to follow but I think could be very beneficial. 

At last but not least there is the macrobiotic diet. 

I'm leaning towards going raw and vegetarian. But I definitively have to a lot more research  on these diet to see what of those diet's seems to fit me and my arthritis.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eating raw

For three days I only ate raw food
For three days I didn't have the pain that has been keeping me up on nights
For three days I have been very tired
For three days I made some great raw food including these awesome desserts
For three days I knitted the I-Pad cover

This one is made by me

I'm almost done with I-Pad cover

I got this recipe from rawdorable


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Going raw

I decided to try the raw diet. My pain is going worse by every day and I need to do something to ease the pain. I have been reading on the internet, raw success stories, e.g. people with arthritis that went on raw food diet and got better. In the beginning I will try to be 100% raw but I don't think it is going to be possible to 100% raw there. It's just so cold there and the selection of fruits and vegetables aren't great.

I have been doing a lot of reading about healing arthritis with food. I gain a little bit more knowledge about what is wise to do when you have arthritis. However I'm also getting confused there is so much information out there. Some of the information contradict other information. So the more I read, the more I get confused.

Raw diet, juicing and fasting are however things that I think could be benefical.

  • I don't have a juicer right now but I will have one after three weeks
  • Today was my first day on 100% raw diet
  • I'm planing to fast (with juices) this week

Friday, March 25, 2011

Raw diet

Is thinking very seriously about going raw

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 14, week no. 2

It's been two weeks since I started the blog, two weeks since I decided to eat healthy food for 30 days minus 4 candy-days. Week number two did not go as I planned. I didn't eat healthy food and I didn't exercise. I'm going to do better. 

Recap of the week

For four days, I ate unhealthy food
I ate good food for three days, sigh. 

I only walked twice this week
I bicycled twice
I never made it to the gym nor did yoga, not good at all.

I WILL do better next week

My husband and I spent the whole day at a coffee shop. I had white tea, it doesn't have a great taste but it's mild and suits the warm spring days, we're having now.  I made some progress on the I-Pad cover.

Vitamins, supplements and other remedies for arthritis

Currently I'm taking D-vitamin, B-12 vitamin, C-vitamin, MSM for my arthritis. To increase fertility I'm taking folic acid and Freyja. Freyja is herbal tablets which I bought in Iceland at Jurtaapótek

Another vitamins that have been recommending for RA are:

B-6 vitamin
B-5 vitamin
Cetyl myrist-oleat

My concern is do I have to take all these vitamins or is it possible for me to get enough from my food?

I always thought that antioxidants where for people who were trying to keep their youth. After I read more on the internet about RA, antioxidants seems to keep popping up. Therefore that's another thing that I'm wondering whether I should add to my growing vitamin cabin.


I don't know, it's sounds so overwhelming. I eat a lot of berries, almost every day. Is it necessary for my to take antioxidants vitamins?

When I lived in Iceland, I ate fish at least once a week. My goal was always to try to eat it at least three times a week, didn't always work. Sadly when I moved to USA I stopped eating fish. Partly because it's more expensive here than in Iceland but also I don't  know how to cook the fish they're selling here in NC. Therefore when I was living in Iceland I wasn't so worry about my omega-3. I also took fish oil so I was pretty sure I was getting some omega-3 in my body. Since I moved to USA I eat those seeds to get my omega-3


But I suspect that I'm not getting enough omega-3 which isn't good.

I found on an Icelandic website heilsa that they recommended this oil

náttljósaolíur (I have no idea what that is in English)

Is there any more vitamins or supplements that you think would benefit RA patient?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is it all my fault? Day 13, week no. 2

I feel like it is all my fault that I have arthritis, that I haven't been able to keep the flares under control and that I haven't been able to get pregnant. 

I feel like I got the arthritis because of my lifestyle and think if I had liven a different lifestyle then I hadn't gotten arthritis. Then I keep going on thinking since I already have the arthritis it's my fault that I still got it. I should be able to cure myself by living the right lifestyle. If I would do the right things then I would cure myself. Some times I even think I have arthritis because of my thoughts. That I have thought too negatively, I don't love my body enough,  I'm not positive enough, I do not embrace being sick, I feel too often sorry for myself. If I would be able to be cheerful everyday, grateful, positive and etc. I could be healthy again. 

Last but not least because I have arthritis and haven't be able to cure myself.  I blame myself for not being able to get pregnant. If I didn't have this stupid disease I could probably get pregnant.

When I have spent the day blaming myself for all my problems and feeling sorry for myself. I often feel ashamed. My life is not bad, I can get the arthritis under control if I go back on the medicines. I don't know sometimes I feel I should accept that it isn't going to work out, I should go back on the medicines and look at other options.

I hope that it's just the fertility medicines that makes me so emotional and I will back to be myself next month. Not only am I feeling sorry for myself all the time these days. I'm always on the burst of crying. I think I have cried almost every day this week. 

To stop all these awful thoughts I knit. I can still knit as long as I don't over do it. Now I'm knitting an I-Pad case for my husband. This a test piece, I trying out the yarn, deciding in what style I should knit it in and finding out how wide it should be.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I-Pad Day 12, week no. 2

My husband and I woke up this morning half past four, rushed out of the house, drove for 40 minutes and then waited in line for three hours. All this to buy an I-pad for the husband. I have never done anything like this before so I'm pretty excited about having done this. Couldn't care less about the I-pad.

I'm still not eating  properly nor exercising just spending a lot of time sulking and feeling sorry for myself. I have heard that is supposed to do wonders for your arthritis. Sometime I have days when I feel sorry for myself, sometimes it lasts for days. The current sulkiness and feeling sorry for myself are still going strong and it's their third day. You have to give them credit for sticking to it.

It's not just the arthritis that is keeping me down. I'm specially feeling sorry because of the fertility problems that my husband and I are facing. This cycle was or is the last cycle before our appointment at our fertility clinic. And of course the cycle is all messed up and I haven't ovulated so there's no chance that something happened this time. Last time when my arthritis was all flared up, my period stopped. I'm so afraid that is what is going on this cycle. That my body have decided that I'm too sick to be having periods, the body should be concentrating on healing the broken parts. 

I don't know, I just feel rotten these days and can't get me in the groove again.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 11, week no. 2. Bad decicions

After two wonderful days after the detox day where I was almost pain-free, had so much energy and almost felt like a normal person again. 

I woke up this morning and instantly knew that it was over

You may ask yourself why would it be over just like that. Well, in those two wonderful days where I was feeling good. I could have continued to practice good lifestyle that benefits my arthritis but sadly I didn't. 

The day after the detox-day I had slice of pizza, one slice of cake and coke (which is so absolutely on my no-no list). I wanted something "good" to eat because I had cleaned the house and I wanted to reward myself. 

Yesterday started okay, I had a healthy breakfast and lunch and had brown rice sushi for dinner.  My husband hand to attend a party in the evening so I decided it was time for cozy night for Erla. So I bought not one but two slices of cakes.


Today I have been yearning for more cakes and sweets. WHAT'S wrong with me? I know it's better for me to stay way from certain foods but still I eat them. 

Day 10, week no. 2

  • Woke early this morning and still felt good. 
  • Spent the day at a coffee shop with friends and knitted
  • Watched a movie
  • Still felt energetic 
  • Bicycled for 2 x 15 minutes
  • Had two slice of a cakes
  • I'm not doing good job sticking to the plan 
  • Nevertheless I'm feeling happy and good
  • Therefore I'm now a huge fan of Detox-days

My next steps are doing more research on:

vitamins and supplements

Sunday, March 20, 2011

second week: what to eat?

Second week has arrived and I'm not prepared. I can't decided what will work best for me this week. The detoxing day really took a toll of me even though I felt better of my arthritis. 

I'm more and more leaning toward raw food. I have been reading how people get remarkable result by eating raw. I already have two raw food recipe books so that's not problem. Plus there's so many good free raw recipe site out there. You have to love the internet. Eating only raw food isn't something that I see I will be able to. I live with my husband that eats cooked food and I always want to get a taste of it.  I could instead have one or two raw days a week then I could still enjoy some of my husbands delicious cooked food.

I got great result by detoxing though next time I have to be more prepared. So that's something I want to do regular from now.  

Friday: detox day
Saturday: oatmeal, raw sushi, Indian potatoes, pizza, cake, coke
Sunday: black berries smoothie, vegetable plate at Waever Street sweet potatoes. 
Monday: oatmeal, sour chick peas, soba noodle salad
Tuesday: Mediterranean Wrap, mango lassi, teriyaki noodles
Wednesday: Maki with spinach, garden scramble, oatmeal
Thursday: oatmeal, sushi at Kurama, Chicken soup

Vitamins, supplements and other remedies

 Vitamins and supplements
Currently I'm taking 

B-12 vitamin

for my arthritis

I don't eat fish after I moved to USA so I eat these seeds to get my omega-3. Sadly I don't think I'm getting enough. 


Therefore I have thinking about buying some omega-3 pills. 

 Other remedies

I take long hot baths to ease the pain and pour a lot of 


in the bath. I find it helpful and it definitely helps with the psoriasis. I also use my wonder cream from Iceland called

from company called Villimey. I don't whether it's possible to buy it here in USA. That cream did wonders for my and it worked like painkillers for me. I rubbed it to my joints and it eased the pain. Best of all it's organic and made from Icelandic herbs. 

To keep the psoriasis patches off I use

dermovat - cream
Surprisingly the cream which I get from the doctors doesn't work nearly as well as the tea. I recommend the tea for everyone with psoriasis. Maybe it won't work for all people but when I drink this tea my patches go away. 

Fertility supplements

To increase fertility I'm taking

folic acid

Freyja is herbal tablets which I bought in Iceland at Jurtaapótek.
Do you recommend any other vitamins, supplement or remedies. I would love to hear your opinion. 

Healing RA naturally

Trying to heal RA naturally takes a lot of research on the internet. Unfortunately the doctors are so reluctant to advise their patient to do anything other than take drugs. For example when we had decided to try to have a baby, I went to my doctor to get guidelines for the next steps. I got advice how to quit on my meds but nothing else except he told me that I could come back if the pain would be really bad and then he would get me started on prednisone. 

For next months I didn't do any research nor tried different diets to keep the RA down. We just kept trying for a baby and hoping for the best. The baby making is taking a longer time than we expected so I have started to search on the internet for information  about how to keep RA down naturally. And I just wished that my doctor would guide me in this search because there's a lot of crap out there. You have to be able to distinguish between the crap and the good stuff. When you are a newbie to this like I'm. I find it at a time confusing.

I recently found a website that I think is trustworthy it is called Alternative RA treatments.  They seem to cover a lot of alternative treatments for RA. I'm excited to read up because I'm trying to decide which alternative treatments I should try. I don't want to waste my money on something that is a nonsense. 

Do you recommend any special treatment for RA? I would love to hear your opinion. 

Day 9, week no. 2

Last night when I went to sleep I was feeling AWFUL. I had headache, at one point I thought I was going to vomit so I went to bed absolutely exhausted and my last thought was that this DETOXING was a bad idea. 

Then when I woke up this morning the strangest thing happen; I felt so GOOD. I divide my arthritis pain and trouble in three categories.

Tiredness in my body: then I don't have extreme pain but I still have some BUT is manageble
Movement: I have trouble with movements and doing things

Pain: Extreme pain which makes life no fun:(

This morning I only had tiredness in my body and just slight trouble with moving around and the best part of all I felt so energetic. 

I even cleaned my entire flat. Something that I have been putting off because I haven't been feeling good. My flat hasn't been so clean since Christmas. It took me the whole day to clean the flat because I had to a few breaks over the day nevertheless I managed to clean. I even vacuumed which I haven't been able to do for a quite long time. My husband pitched in on the last meters when I was getting tired. Then he made the supper and went out to buy treats for me. I have been craving SUGAR all day. 

What I did wrong regarding the detox was that I didn't prepare enough. I didn't have enough detox food at home.  

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I'm so unbelievable exciting about my detox day. I have never done it before so I'm only going to it for one day.  

Turned out that I should have prepared a little more than I did. I don't have juicer so I couldn't make juice at home, had to go to Whole Foods. Then I ran out of miso-soup. Which led to at 10 o'clock in the evening I was STARVING.  So I had a banana and oatmeal. 

Next time I will prepare better and have enough food at home which is detox-safe. It felt good so it's definitively something that I will try again. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 7 was a rollercoaster

I was really glad because it was candy day. I do love my candy day. The sun was shining and I spent most of the day outside. 

The sad part was I couldn't do some things today because of my lovely arthritis that I will overcome by time and the right diet. So I cried, in a coffee shop. Luckily my husband was there and I didn't make any scene. I was just so utterly sad that I couldn't go with my friends on a walking tour.

Another good thing today was that I was feeling great. I have less pain and I'm taking less of the painkillers so the diet-thing is working a little bit.

After candy day comes DETOX DAY. I have never detoxed and I find it hard to believe but I can't wait to try it out. I have read on other arthritis blog sites that people find relief by detoxing. I'm only going to do it for one day. It's my first time and I don't think it's wise to do more days for the first round.

Green tea
Fresh juice from Whole foods 

I'm going to have a quiet day and watch my favorite TV-shows, knit and if I'm up for it do a little bit of cleaning.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 6 Letting go

One thing which I have to learn is to let go. When I'm off the medicines I will not be able to do all of the things I want to do or need to do. For instance to day I really needed to clean my house and fold clothes. I also had to eat healthy food and do my exercises. I can't do both in one day. For people with arthritis you know exactly what I'm talking about. When you have RA then there comes days when you just can't do all of the things you are supposed to do even though you don't have a job or are a student. 

That is hard, it is so hard not being able to do things you want to do and need to do. On days like that, I feel like I'm not trying hard enough, I should be able to it if I just tried harder. I feel guilty because I'm not doing the house chores and other stuff that is hanging over me. 

Today was my first day but hopefully not the last day that I tried to LET GO. This morning when I woke up and looked around the mess around the house I decided to LET GO. It's more important that I prepare my healthy meals and do my exercises. So that was what I did. I looked on the mess and the unfolded clothes and thought: this will all be here when I have done my exercises and eaten healthy food. If I have extra energy afterward I will do it then. Turned out when I had finished my exercise and the cooking, I was done for the day, I didn't have any extra energy.

How I'm feeling now?

Relieved and glad that I did my exercises and ate healthy food. A little bit guilty of the messy house and the unfolded clothes but I'm trying hard not be it. It is more important that I do things that benefit my health rather than the concentrating on keeping the house tidy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 5 is detox the answer?

It is rather hard getting up in the mornings. It honestly takes me the whole morning to wake up, get up, have breakfast and get dressed. In the mornings the problems isn't the pain but I have this unbelievable tiredness in my legs.

I have been reading a lot of arthritis blogs recently. There are some great blogs out there. My reason for reading them is to learn how to fight the arthritis and cure it. I truly believe it's possible. In my case taking drugs did miracle but it never really healed anything. I still continued to suffer from arthritis but when I was on the medicines I could work, study and have a social life. It's been one year since I took my last tablet. I went off the medicines in the hope that I would get pregnant. My husband and I both thought it would just take few months to get pregnant. Sadly that hasn't been the case. One year later, no baby, just arthritis in full flame. 

I was surprisingly good first seven months. The last five months have been hell. I went from being in school and working part-time job to nothing. I had to quit everything, I have trouble doing simple house chores and going out to meet up with friends. 

However the arthritis blogs have given me hope that it is possible to cure the arthritis with food. I made up 30 day challenge for me where I was going to eat healthy food, have one-free day a week (eat whatever I want) and exercise. Now I'm thinking that I should add detox to the challenge after reading this post 3 day miracle and this blog Jens ra journey. I have never detoxed but I'm willing to try anything and it can't hurt. Now I just have to find some detoxing programs. Any recommendation?

Monday, March 14, 2011

How I keep psoriasis patches off

I have psoriasis. When I first got it I was 17 or 18 years old. I didn't get the old fashion psoriasis I was lucky and got Guttate psoriasis. My doctor told me that it with treatment it would either go away or would developed into regular psoriasis. I got the spots all over my body which was painful, ugly and bad. Even though the spots where everywhere I only got one spot in my face and nothing on my fingers. So I could mostly hide my spots. Gradually the spots went away but they still remained on my elbows and in my scalp. When I was 20 I went backpacking for 4 months in South-East Asia and Australia. It was properly the sun but the last patch of the psoriasis went away. 

I thought that I would never have to think about psoriasis again. In 2009 my husband and I moved crossed the Atlantic sea and settled down in North-Carolina. It was stressful time, learning new culture, language, making new friends and living again on student's stipend. The psoriasis came back but this time it was different. I didn't get Guttate psoriasis but the traditional psoriasis. I got patches on both my elbows, in my scalp and one tiny spot on my foot. 

I was not happy, not happy at all. I was also a little bit afraid that this time I would get big patches because it's quite painful to have psoriasis. Your skin is sore, it sometimes bleeds and you leave behind white skin (I don't know how to say it in English, hopefully you get what I'm trying to say). My patches got bigger and bigger. They where though relatively small compare to others that have it really bad. I think it was last October that my husband noticed that my patches where almost gone. Time went by and after two more weeks they where hardly visible longer. You could imagined how surprise we were. I have tried so many things in hope to get the psoriasis under control. I have found going to a hospital in those special lights lamp do some work and using steroid cream. But even though I go and do some time in the lights lamp and use the steroid cream the psoriasis patch doesn't shrink. Not only was my psoriasis patch shrinking but it seemed like a normal skin where the psoriasis patch were before. 

Next weeks my husband and I went through all of our habits. What could have made the psoriasis patch shrink, what were we doing differently that could be having this effect on my psoriasis? Was it the new lotion that I bought, the Epsom salt that I just recently bought, was it something I ate, we even thought that I were pregnant. Finally after a lot of research we thought it could be the green tea I was drinking at my friends house. So we did a experiment I stopped drinking the tea and do you know what happened the bloody psoriasis patches begun to grow again. 

I know it sounds like an awful commercial but I get nothing for promoting this product. I'm just saying what it did for me. It's such a relief to just to have small patch that aren't sore that I want to spread the word. 

However just to be clear the tea doesn't cure the psoriasis and the effect aren't long term. In the beginning I drank one cup every day but now after the patches shrunk I have a cup every other day, maybe three days apart. When ever I stop drinking the tea for long time the psoriasis starts to grow again. Maybe it only works on me, after all we're different and even though we have the same diagnoses it doesn't mean that  what works for me is going to work for you.

Day 4 I'm feeling a lot more positive

When I woke up this morning I felt a lot better. I felt ready for sticking to the plan, do the exercises and eating according to the plan. I have to say it helps me a lot reading other blogs. When I read about other people success it gives me hope. A hope that a better diet can keep the arthritis down. 

Today I'm supposed to go to the gym and do some weight lifting. I really like lifting weights, I feel like superwomen when I do them. 

For dinner the plan is to make a dinner with red lentils, it's some kind of a stew. My only concern is that I'm use to to eat white rice with  this course. I don't have brown rice and I'm afraid if I cook it I won't be able to resist the white rice. 

Went to the gym, ate the red lentils without eating white rice and is having a minimum pain day.

I was really tired in my legs and had some flares. When will this be over?

What I did to cope with arthritis on day 4
I drank my ginger"magic"broth
Had a quiet evening

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 3 was better

My right feet is not my friend. I continued to have pain in my ankle and knee. I can't help it but when the pain gets worse I just want to run to the nearest pharmacy and get my metroexate. I keep telling my self it is all going to be worth it when we have a baby. It's just hard on days like these when the pain is coming back and I know it's only the beginning. 

I have trouble doing my exercises when my foot is in such a state. I bicycled but I haven't done the home work-outs. I'm going to try to do them tonight. 

The food-issue is also giving my hard time. I don't know whats up with me obsession about food. It is ONLY 30 DAYS that I'm not going to eat unhealthy food. I'm still allowing me to have candy days once a week. Never the less I have been sulking past two days over the fact that I can't stuff my face with unhealthy food. I'm trying to remember when food came to be such a issue for me and why. It didn't be a problem for me. I just ate my food on dinner time and didn't think about food between meals. Maybe it's a good idea to go there. Try to find WHEN food started to become such a issue and WHY I started to measure my happy with food. 

More about food. I was so low on fruit for my smoothie this morning. Determined to stick to the meal plan and went through the fridge to find food for the smoothie. I found dates, a cucumber, avocado, spinach, ground almonds, chi seeds, coconut water and carob powder. I'm not much of a cook. Before I moved in with my boyfriend I did minimum cooking. When we started to live together he did all the cooking for the first two years. It is safe to say when it comes to the kitchen, I'm no expert. You can see the result to the right. I'm not going to sugarcoating it tasted like green cream. I wouldn't recommend it. But I ate it all, it had a lot of healthy ingredients and I stuck to the meal plan. 

What I did to tackle the pain today
Sulk and cry (didn't do much good)
Ate mostly raw
Took one parkodin
Had a quiet night (had tickets to a concert but decided to stay home)

I don't whether it was the Target toning or the painkillers but I felt better in the evening

Arthritis blogs

I´m new to blogging, I´m new to exploring my disease. When I first got sick I just took my medicine and tried to exercised and eat healthy food. I did hardly any research on psoriasis arthritis. I think the main reason was that I was just so horrible sick that I needed all my energy to everyday tasks. I didn't have anything left for researching. 

This time is different. I'm not as sick so I have energy left to do the research. And this time I want to understand what is happening and what can I do to prevent the flares. I also want to interact with other people with arthritis and learn their strategy to deal with arthritis. Therefore I have spent last days exploring arthritis blogs. I have found quite few and I'm trying to pick some for a daily read. ANY RECOMMENDATION? I think I'm looking for blogs that are focused on ways to fight the arthritis because I have never given up the hope. I truly believe that it's possible to get rid of arthritis. I don't know how but at least I think I can make a difference. What I'm trying to say is that I want to fight back, I want to do everything I can to fight of the stupid arthritis. I want my life back.

Day 2 was horrible

The only good thing about it was I stuck to the meal plan even though I went to the mall. I couldn't do all of my exercise for the day because of the stupid arthritis. It flared up after noon in my right foot and I have been barley able to walk around to day. So I have been in a foul mood all day. 

The pain hasn't been so bad since I went of the meds. I have  been having trouble sleeping and I have had to take painkillers in order to sleep. So far the pain hasn't been so bad in the daytime until  to day. I have been so frustrated over it. I can't believe that the horrible pain is back. I get really nervous  on days like this. I really want to have a baby but it's hard being of the medicines and I wonder how long we have to wait for it. 

Getting rid of the pain:
I stayed in the sofa all day and watched TV
I drank my ginger broth
I ate only raw food
I took a lot of painkillers

Sadly it didn't do much

I'm glad this day is almost over, hopefully tomorrow is going to be better. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 1

First day of my health challenge, 30 days to go. So far the day has been good and I'm sticking to the plan. 

For breakfast I had delicious raw oat meal. I got the recipe from Ani's Rwa Food Essentials.  I LOVE this recipe, it's so easy to make and good. My husband use to cook for us oatmeal in the morning but after whole winter of traditional oat meal, I needed something new. I don't think that I could survive another winter of just plain oat meal. Luckily I don't have to eat the traditional version any longer.

I woke up rather late to day. I'm taking medicines for my anxiety and it is just crazy how much sleep I need know. I think I sleep like three hours more when I'm on them. My husband and I went to the gym which was almost empty because of the spring break. I like it when the gym is slow, you don't have to any waiting. I did weight lifting, I absolutely love weight lifting. I can't wait when I can lift 40 lb. Now I use 2,5lb and 5lb weights, it's not much but it is only the beginning.  I have to be very careful when I'm in the gym because if I do to much I'm out for the next days. Hopefully I will be way better after 30 days of healthy lifestyle. 

Yesterday my husband made a dish from our favorite cookbook, Madhur Jaffrey Indian cooking. It was simple but good. When I was growing up we had potatoes every single day so when I started cooking on my own, potatoes aren't my first choice.  But these babies are nothing like the boiled one I had when I was young.

I'm feeling positive that I will stick to the plan rest of the day
We see what happens

Meal plan

I worry most about the meal plan. I'm so very afraid that I can't stick to a meal plan because there is always something coming up that changes our plans. 

Friday: Oat meat with cinnamon and banana. Potatoes.Dining out.
Saturday: Coconut water with spinach, blueberry and bananas. Mediterranean Wrap.
Sunday: Oat meal w/cinnamon and banana. Coconut water with apple, spinach, banana. Red split lentils.
Monday: Coconut water with apple, spinach, banana, Ginger Almond Roll.
Tuesday: Oat meal w/cinnamon and banana. Whole green lentils with garlic and onion. Sushi.
Wednesday: Coconut water with spinach, banana. Sweet potatoes.
Thursday: Oat meal w/cinnamon and banana. Sour chick peas. 

I start with that and see how it goes. If I feel hungry then it is okay to have some Swedish bread 

Exercise plan

For the first week I would like to bicycle for 30 minutes three times, walk for 20 minutes twice, do elliptical three times for 6 minutes, do yoga exercise twice, do home aerobic twice and do weight lifting three times. 

Since I have been exercising for the last month, I'm not afraid it's to much.

Friday: weight lifting, elliptical
Saturday: walk, yoga
Sunday: bicycle, home aerobic
Monday: weight lifting, elliptical
Tuesday: bicycle, walk, yoga
Wednesday: weight lifting, elliptical
Thursday: bicycle, home aerobic
The plan
  • Find blogs to read to keep me motivate
  • List the reason for I'm doing this
I want to be healthy, I'm doing this so I can go to sleep without taking tons of painkillers, I want to have a baby, I want to lose weight, I want to be able to lift some weight,  I'm not happy with my physical state, I want to get of my anxiety pills, I want to fit in my clothes again
  • Decide the day before what I'm going to eat
  • Stick to it
I'm working on it
  • Do a exercise plan
  • Stick to it
Work in progress
  • Stay away from white sugar, white flour, white rice
  • Have a candy day once a week
  • Decide how long I'm going to go after the plan
I have decided to start with 30 days. I will for 30 days go after the plan
  • Blog about my journey


I find it a little bit intimidating to start because I'm afraid that I will fail. I'm afraid that I will spend all my energy making up a great plan but then I will not follow through.  

The plan
  • Find blogs to read to keep me motivate
  • List the reason for I'm doing this
  • Decide the day before what I'm going to eat
  • Stick to it
  • Do a exercise plan
  • Stick to it
  • Stay away from white sugar, white flour, white rice
  • Have a candy day once a week
  • Decide how long I'm going to go after the plan